The Need for Psychotherapy for Bipolar Disorder

Highlights from the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Conference Posters and Presentations, Chicago, June 22-25, 2023

Greg Murray gave a talk on effectiveness of multiple types of psychotherapy for bipolar disorder and suggests that the choice be designed for each individual.

He describes 10 core elements of each type of therapy. These included dealing with:

  • 1. Knowledge, acceptance, and adherence
  • 2. The presence of anxiety in some 90% of patients
  • 3. Suicidality and crisis management
  • 4. Skills: monitoring, relapse prevention, life time events, recognition of early symptoms
  • 5. Identity, cognitive restructuring, dealing with stigma, train action and achievement, confronting perfectionism, CBT
  • 6. Sleep and circadian rhythms
  • 7. Trauma, child adversity, PTSD
  • 8. Emotion regulation
  • 9. Relationships: social, family, occupational roles (family or group)
  • 10. Substance use and avoidance, access, motivational interviewing, impulsivity


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