Donate now to keep Bipolar Network News going!
We’ve been keeping our readers informed about the latest research on bipolar disorder for decades…now we need your help!
We are asking readers who appreciate our work to contribute to the BNN today!
We have been able to provide the BNN as a free service due to the generosity of one former donor who has since passed away and another who has asked that we diversify our funding.
Donations of any size are appreciated. All of the money you contribute will go directly to the production of the BNN, and will be 100% tax deductible. Please take a moment to donate $25, $50, $100, or any amount you can afford.
We can currently accept checks written to FERMI (The Foundation for Education and Research on Mental Illness) and mailed to 5415 W. Cedar Lane Suite 201B, Bethesda MD 20814.
We thank the many physicians, patients, and family members who read the BNN for their positive feedback over the years, and look forward to continuing to provide you with the most up-to-date information on the causes and treatment of bipolar disorder and depression in people of all ages.
Robert M. Post, MD
Bipolar Network News
P.S. Every little bit counts! Small donations are welcome.