Sleep Disturbances in Pediatric Bipolar NOS is the Same as in BP I 

Gianni Faedda reported in Frontiers in Psychiatry (2012) that decreased need for sleep is as prominent in BP NOS children as in those with BP I.  So it appears that with the exception of only brief periods of mania in BP NOS, these children have similar characteristics to those with full blown BP I.  Thus in addition to the briefer periods of mania, one should be on the look out for all the symptoms of bipolar disorder that are not typical of ADHD, including brief or extended periods of euphoria, decreased need for sleep, more extreme degrees of irritability and poor frustration tolerance, hallucination, delusions, suicidal and homicidal ideation, more severe depression, and increases in sexual interest and actions.  When these are present, the bipolar mood instability should  be treated first and only then small doses of psychomotor stimulants can be used to treat what ever residual ADHD remains.  The typical symptoms of ADHD are very of present and comorbid in childhood onset bipolar disorder and cannot be used to discriminate the two diagnoses.  The children with BP NOS are as dysfunctional as those with BP I and take longer to stabilize, so pharmacological treatment may need to be intensive, multimodal, and supplemented by Family Focused Therapy (FFT) or a related family therapy.  It is most often not conceptualized as such, but BP NOS as well as BP I should be considered as a medical emergency and handled by a sophisticated pediatrician and/or referred for psychiatric consultation and therapy.  The longer bipolar disorder is not treated, the worse the outcome is in adulthood.


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