Scopolamine Produces Larger Antidepressant and Antianxiety Effects in Women Than in Men

January 30, 2012 · Posted in Peer-Reviewed Published Data 

In a study published in Neuropscyhopharmacology, three sessions of intravenous scopolamine (4µg/kg over 15 minutes) led to rapid antidepressant response in both men and women, but the magnitude of response was larger in women.  Women also experienced significant reduction in anxiety, as seen below:

Editor’s Note: Scopolamine is a potent blocker of acetylcholine receptors of the muscarinic type.  This can cause side effects such as dry mouth and constipation. However, when given intravenously, scopolamine produces rapid onset of antidepressant effects in both bipolar and unipolar depressed patients. This study suggests that the drug may be even more effective in women.


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